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Knapp Medical Center Receives 2 Awards for Quality Care

Knapp Medical Center Receives 2 Awards for Quality Care

Weslaco hospital achieves ‘exemplary performance’ in preventing complications, re-admissions of patients WESLACO, August 2017 – Knapp Medical Center in Weslaco has become one of only 12 hospitals in the state of Texas to receive two awards for quality care of patients...
A Recipe For Healing After The Loss of A Loved One

A Recipe For Healing After The Loss of A Loved One

A discussion of how to heal after the loss of a loved one will be held during a “Bereavement Support Group” meeting which will be held on Tuesday, March 14 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Knapp Medical Center Conference Center, 700 Knapp Medical Boulevard. The...